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Your Most Valuable Asset is Your Ability to Earn an Income!

Most people think they are insulated from a life-changing disability:

"It won't happen to me."

Leading causes of disability


Many people associate disability with accidental injuries. But, approximately 90 percent of disabilities are caused by illness rather than accidents. 5


A recent industry survey on the causes of disability found that fewer than 10 percent of long trem disabiy claims were caused by accidental injuries (as illustrated below). The single biggest cause is musculoskeletal problems, such as chronic back trouble.


The same survey found that disability claims increase with age. More than one-third of long-term disability claims in 2008 and 2009 were from people age 50-59, by far the largest percentage of any age group.


Percent of New Long-Term Disability Claims 5

Percent of New Long Term Disability Claims 5

Musculoskeletal/Connective Tissue Disorders

(Neck and back pain or joint, muscle and tendon disorders)                            26%


Cancer and Neoplasms                                                                                                 15%


Cardiovascular/Circulatory Disorders                                                                        9%


Injuries and Poisening                                                                                                     9%


Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth                                                             8%


Mental Disorders                                                                                                               8%


Nervous System-Related                                                                                                 7%


Other                                                                                                                                    18%

Plan Ahead - you can protect your income.


You insure you home, your cars - why not insure your most valuable asset, your ability to earn a living? Disability Income Insurance does this.


This protection is offered through our leading Disability Insurance carriers. With over 25 years of professional expertise, we can help you customize coverage to your needs and budget. More than 51 million Americans - 18 percent of the population - classify themselves as fully or partially disabled. The time to start protecting yourself is now.


5Council for Disability Awareness, Long-Term Disability Claims Review, 2010

                                                         Protect your Most Valuable Asset. Call us now, at (404) 855-2804

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